Quick Start
This section will cover how to get up and running with pop quickly for development.
1. Installation
Installation is typical for most Golang packages, but we'll also install the soda utility that will facilitate the database migrations and model creation.
$ go get github.com/gobuffalo/pop/...
$ go install github.com/gobuffalo/pop/soda
2. Configuration
Configuring pop is done via a YAML file. Each stanza is broken down by environment, so that you can have a configuration per environment. In your project, create the file config/database.yml
. The development environment can be identified by passing the -e development
flag into any soda command.
dialect: "sqlite3"
database: "./development.sqlite"
3. Create a model
The soda utility is used to create a model.
$ soda generate model user title:string first_name:string last_name:string bio:text -e development
--> models/user.go
--> models/user_test.go
--> goimports -w models/user.go models/user_test.go
> migrations/20171218173819_create_users.up.fizz
> migrations/20171218173819_create_users.down.fizz
As you can see there are two folders created: models
and migrations
. The User model is stored in models/user.go
, and an initial migration is stored at migrations/20171218173819_create_users.up.fizz
. The fizz file type is an alternative to SQL, however when building out migrations you can force migration files to be in SQL.
4. Create the database
Again, the soda utility is used to create the database.
$ soda create -e development
5. Run the migration
Running the migration creates the tables (models) you just defined.
$ soda migrate up -e development
Now you are ready to begin writing your application.
6. Modifying the Schema
Inevitably your data models will change. It's just a fact of life and the scourge of operations. Suppose you wanted to add a column to our existing schema.
$ soda generate fizz add_location_column
> migrations/20171219202712_add_location_column.up.fizz
> migrations/20171219202712_add_location_column.down.fizz
Now, you'll have three files created that you'll need to modify. An up migration is a positive change, a down migration is a reverting change. In the 20171219202712_add_location_column.up.fizz
add_column("user", "location", "string", {"size": 100, "default": "New York, NY"})
and in the 20171219202712_add_location_column.down.fizz
drop_column("user", "location")
Now you'll need to update the actual model
type User struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" db:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at" db:"updated_at"`
Title string `json:"title" db:"title"`
FirstName string `json:"first_name" db:"first_name"`
LastName string `json:"last_name" db:"last_name"`
Bio string `json:"bio" db:"bio"`
Location string `json:"location" db:"location"` // Add this line
Then run the migration
$ soda migrate up -e development
> add_location_column
0.0033 seconds
dumped schema for ./development.sqlite